mercoledì 11 dicembre 2013

Papillon di legno *Wooden bow ties by Two Guys Bow Ties*

Two Guys Bow ties, wooden bow ties, groom style
Oggi parliamo di "cose così meravigliose che è impossibile non parlarne".
Stavo infatti girovagando su Pinterest,  quando sono incappata in un'immagine bellissima: la foto di un papillon di legno. Facendo ricerche, ho scoperto che si tratta di meravigliosi papillon realizzati a mano negli Stati Uniti da due ragazzi, Adam Teague e Tim Paslay, che hanno fondato il marchio Two Guys Bow Ties con l'intento di creare delle dei papillon alternativi.
Io li adoro, sono perfetti per un matrimonio originale e un po' rustico, e ce ne sono moltissimo modelli...qui ho raccolto quelli che mi piacciono di più, ma sul loro sito potrete trovarne molti altri, tutti acquistabili online!

Today we talk about "things that are so wonderful that it is impossible not to talk about them."
In fact, I was browsing through Pinterest, when I stumbled upon a beautiful image: a photo of a wooden bow tie.  I discovered that it was a wonderful handmade wooden bow tie created in the United States by two guys, Adam Teague and Tim Paslay, who founded the brand Two Guys Bow Ties with the intent of creating alternative bow ties.
I love them, they are perfect for an original and rustic wedding...I picked the ones I like more, but on their website you will find many more of them, and you can buy all of them online!

Two Guys Bow ties, wooden bow ties, groom style
Two Guys Bow ties, wooden bow ties, groom style
Two Guys Bow ties, wooden bow ties, groom style
Two Guys Bow ties, wooden bow ties, groom style
Two Guys Bow ties, wooden bow ties, groom style
Two Guys Bow ties, wooden bow ties, groom style
Two Guys Bow ties, wooden bow ties, groom style


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